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The Stanford Storytelling Project produces several podcasts, including State of the Human, our award-winning podcast, which showcases our best student work, as well as Soundings, our sandbox of stories created by Stanford students. Click on the links below to hear stories from each of our podcasts.

State of the Human

State of the Human, the radio show of the Stanford Storytelling Project, shares stories that deepen our understanding of single, common human experiences—belonging, giving, lying, forgiveness—all drawn from the experiences and research of the Stanford community.


Our Soundings podcast feed has become the place where completed student work lives, and it includes our Braden grantee projects, the episodes produced in our Sound Stories and Stories to Save Our Planet courses. 

Meeting the Moment

The Meeting the Moment Podcast features personal stories told by Fellows of the Meeting the Moment Program, hosted by Stanford’s Office for Religious and Spiritual Life. Each story corresponds with a monthly theme and chronicles meaning made of a challenging moment.